Friday, October 29, 2010


Pemulihan Setelah Touring

Touring, banyak dari penggemar olah raga sepeda sangat menyukai tipe riding ini. Bersepeda dalam jarak jauh dengan rute yang sudah di tentukan tentulah sangat menyenangkan. Selain berlatih meningkatkan endurance (ketahanan), rider juga dapat melatih berbagai macam teknik bersepeda. Bersepeda dalam jarak yang cukup jauh tentunya banyak menghabiskan energi, kelelahan (fatique) yang panjang tentunya dapat membuat kondisi tubuh menjadi drop, yang kita butuhkan adalah recovery (pemulihan) yang cepat untuk kembali mendapatkan kondisi 100% fit.

Recovery riding Atlit Yogyakarta - Foto Supandito
Recovery riding Atlit Yogyakarta - Foto Supandito
Istirahat, latihan recovery yang cukup dan nutrisi yang tepat bagi tubuh sangat menunjang sukses dan tidaknya proses pemulihan kembali kondisi fisik.

Berikut tips Pemulihan (recovery) setelah ridding yang melelahkan :

1. Setelah melakukan istirahat yang cukup misal 1-2 hari setelah perjalanan jauh, kembalilah bersepeda dengan pemanasan kurang lebih 20 menit dengan kecepatan yang ringan (easy riding). Naikan intensitas 18 atau 19 menit untuk mulai mengatur pernafasan.

2. Rencanakan rute atau jalur yang sesuai untuk recovery, rute flat dan tanjakan-turun yang ringan (sweet spot) sangat cocok untuk proses recovery. Shifting ke chainring besar dan pilih sproket medium (tengah).

3. Cobalah untuk berdiri sesat diatas sadel dan mulailah sprint. Cobalah untuk menghitung pedal stroke, cukup 25 kali pada tiap kali anda sprint. Atur jeda waktu tiap kali anda melakukan sprint, jaga ritme kecepatan anda. 6 kali sprint sudah sangat cukup untuk recovery. Latihan tersebut dapat membatu kita melemaskan otot-otot kaki yang tegang.

4. Setelah 6 kali sprint, luangkan waktu untuk menempuh rute turun yang ringan dan flat cukup 20 hingga 30 menit. Jika anda menggunakan power meter latihan yang anda lakukan diterjemahkan sebagai berikut :

88 t- 94 % adalah Functional Threshold Power (FTP) , 80 to 90 percent of maximal heart rate – upper zone three and lower zone four.

Hasil tersebut normatif pada tiap-tiap rider.

5. Bersepeda pada rute ringan (sweet spot) sangat membantu suksesnya proses recovery. Setelah proses recovery usai, usahakan untuk latihan pendinginan dengan easy riding kurang lebih 10 menit.

Selain latihan fisik, proses recovery dapat ditunjang dengan suplemen vitamin dan nutrisi. Jika dirasa latihan fisik sudah membuat tubuh menjadi fit, mungkin opsi menggunakan vitamin dapat dikesampingkan.

Cobalah mengkonsumsi multivitamin dan mineral dengan antioksidan, tentunya diimbangi degan nutrisi yang berkualitas, diantaranya ;

Glutamin - Image wikipedia
Glutamin - Image wikipedia
1. Glutamin

Glutamine merupakan asam amino yang dapat dibuat dalam tubuh, Glutamine banyak beredar didalam darah dan disimpan di otot rangka. Glutamine berperan penting dalam pembentukan protein tubuh, fungsi sistem kekebalan tubuh, dan sebagai bahan bakar cadangan bagi otak.

Penipisan zat tersebut membuat tubuh rentan terhadap infeksi dan kelelahan. Glutamina dijadikan suplemen banyak atlet, untuk mengganti kelelahan otot dengan segera, akibat latihan yang berat.

Glutamin - Image wikipedia
Glutamin - Image wikipedia
Suplemen Glutamin - Image
Suplemen Glutamin - Image
2. Magnesium

elektrolit dan komponen penting lebih dari 300 reaksi enzim dalam tubuh. Tingkat rendah dapat berkontribusi kelelahan dan nyeri otot. Tersedia dalam bentuk bubuk atau kapsul.

Minyak ikan Omega 3
Minyak ikan Omega 3
3. Omega 3

Omega 3 menghasilkan anti-peradangan, jadi cobalah mengambil 1 sendok teh minyak ikan kualitas tinggi.

ref :

Nik Cook, Cycling Plus

Christine Bailey , Cycling Plus


Jangan jadikan kelelahan membuat anda menyerah untuk touring jarak jauh, recovery yang tepat dan benar membuat fisik dan endurance (ketahanan) anda meningkat.


Tips Mengatur Handlebar Roadbike

Handlebar merupakan komponen pokok pada sebuah roadbike, khususnya sepeda balap. Banyak dari para rider menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk menemukan setingan yang tepat untuk posisi handlebar pada sepeda balap yang mereka naiki.

Para pembalap Pro Tour juga sangat memperhatikan hal tersebut, tiap kondisi lintasan sangat mempengaruhi posisi handlebar. Faktor kenyamanan dan keamanan ketika tour adalah hal yang sangat mutlak diperhatikan.

Ada beberapa macam jenis Roadbike Handlebar, tiga diantara yang paling populer adalah :

1. Coventional Drop handlebars

2. Track drop bars

3. Drop (“ergo” or “anatomic”) handlebars

Berikut beberapa contoh posisi handlebar yang di gunakan para pembalap

Pro Tour :

Tom Boonen-Quick Step
Tidak ada aturan baku mengenai posisi handle bar, garis kuning dalam image diatas hanya merupakan pembanding antar para rider pro tour, berbagai bentuk dan jenis handlebar digunakan para rider pro tour.

Posisikan handlebar yang paling nyaman menurut anda, sesuaikan dengan kondisi on road, jika lebih banyak posisi tangan lebih sering bagian atas handlebar alakah baiknya posisi hoods shifter lebih condong naik (faktor kenyamanan), jika posisi tangan lebih banyak di bawah dropbar (mengejar posisi aero / sprint) posisikan shifter dan brake lever agar mudah dijangkau.

sumber :

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NEW BMX Freestyler production!

Boom! Rad Dad's latest creation. Stoked to be in this group of riders! Be sure and check out BMX FREESTYLER.COM
ps. I dont really sound like that haha

The Legendary Oltorf Garage from BMX Freestyler on Vimeo.

Game of Bike Video's

A few weeks ago we headed to So Cal Vans park for a VitalBMX's "Game Of Bike".
Some big cash was up for grabs and some heated battles went down, some riders went for the throat, and others played for fun.

Here is the video's courtesy VitalBMX for the Haro boys if you want to see what went down...

Drew won the $7g's and donated it to the Athlete Recovery Fund!
Dennis came in 4th and also donated his cash...
Drew B vs Mackay

Vital BMX Game of Bike: Drew Bezanson vs Colin... - More BMX Videos

Dakota vs Nyquist

Vital BMX Game of Bike: Dakota Roche vs. Ryan... - More BMX Videos

Hoang vs Ronnie

Vital BMX Game of Bike: Hoang Tran vs Ronnie... - More BMX Videos

Dean Cueson vs Dennis

Vital BMX Game of BIKE: Dennis Enarson vs Dean... - More BMX Videos

Friday, October 22, 2010

ABA Fall Nationals

Out in Orlando, Florida for the ABA Fall Nationals. Khalen and Nic are competing in the last national event of the ABA series before the Grand Nationals over Thanksgiving weekend. The Fall Nationals is 3 days of racing as a last chance to score some valuable points before the season finale. Today was day one where Nic and Khalen took on the worlds best. In the qualifying rounds, Khalen had a bit of drama after he sent a local superstar off the first turn and nearly got into a fist fight over it. Meanwhile, Nic won the majority of his qualifying rounds [drama free]. In the semi final, Nic hit the gate pretty hard and his bars moved into Chicago and ending his day early. In Khalen's semi he finished a solid 2nd and made the main. KY didn't get the start he was looking for in the main event and had to settle for a big ol' abominable snowman. The bash brothers take to the track at 11am Eastern time tomorrow for day two of the BMX festivities. Catch up.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Interview from France

Here is a random interview I just got emailed to me that I did in France on the Beach for the Lords of Dirt contest. I didnt think I would ever see the interview come out!
There's a sketchy 7 bar in there too. I dragged my foot about 4 times and got over it, It's counted in France, but not in Australia. haha

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flatland! 40 Years of BMX! all on BMX day!

I recently had the pleasure of meeting one of BMX legends Mr. Scot Breithaupt, and he educated me on the upcoming and highly anticipated 40 YEARS OF BMX event on November 14th in Bellflower, California. There are tons of things going on all around this event and is sure to be one of the highlights for the BMX community this year. The buzz around this event is energizing but what does every bike event need? FLATLAND!!! I spoke to Lalo J on the subject last week and he's already on it. Lalo has stepped up and is organizing a FLATLAND contest at the 40 YEARS OF BMX event for the 14th. Props to you Lalo! FLATLAND needs more Lalos!

I also just read on Scot's facebook that Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster is proclaiming November 14th as BMX day! This is being presented to Scot on November 5th at along with lots of other exciting stuff over at the BMX History display. There is even mention of a showing/display of the movie RAD along with several old school OG pros!

Following that First Friday event on the 5th will be another prequel event on the 13th. (also a Friday) November is a busy time for BMX in Southern California! For more information and to stay connected to whats going on checkup on

See you guys there!

Mackay, Babbel and Ronnie Haro Ramp Session

Haro BMX 3-Way Ramp Edit: Colin Mackay, Ronnie Napolitan, Mikey Babbel from Haro Bikes on Vimeo.

Colin Mackay, Ronnie Napolitan and Mikey Babbel shredding Haro's private ramp.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Babbel down but not out

Mikey Babbel was out riding with Brad Simms on Sunday and took on a 25 stair crooked grind. He got pretty colse the first try, but the second try he bailed and thought at first he broke his foot, but it turns out out it's just swollen and will take a week or two to feel better.
Take it easy dude!

Nyquist Dominates Park once again...

Ryan Nyquist is 31 years old and has been competing for 13+ years, and every once in a while he will do a run on park that no one can beat. It's amazing to feel the energy and when the buzzer goes, you just might hear Nyquist scream. It's the 60 seconds of pure determination that has him erupt.

Half way through Ryan's winning run, I happen to look over to Dennis Enarson and he said "He's going to win". It's just something about Ryan when he gets on a roll, he usually pull's the whole run off.

Ronnie Napolitan and Marcus Tooker competed in Park Prelims and they both had some nice moves, Ronnie booted a whip into the wall ride, and Marcus rode part run with his bars backwards and even pulled a flair like that!

Dennis had it going on until he cased on his second run and took a spill, if he got through his whole run, he may have been on the podium I'm pretty sure. He had the best intro. Pocket airing a giant corner, cranking into a 24+ foot gap whip into the wall. No one messed with either of these moves.

Dennis finished the Dew 2010 season in 5th place, He killed SLC stop winning Park and dirt in one weekend! Congrats D!

The Dirt contest prelims were on Thursday night, and unfortunately long time competitor and friend of ours, TJ Lavin had a bad fall and is currently still in hospital with a head injury, he is doing a lot better, but it's a slow road from now. Get well soon bro.

Cory Nastazio didnt make the cut for the Dirt finals but was there filming for his new TV show, more on that soon...

Nyquist and Enarson had to ride Dirt finals just a couple hours after shredding park!

Nyquist had the top scoring run of the night, but unluckily couldn't get a second run on the board.

Dennis was unlucky on his first 2 runs, one of them he clipped a tough block that surrounds the course and went into a scorpion position, and lucky for him, he landed on another block that softened the fall a little. Dennis' third run, after having a bad night, he put his back back on and dropped in flipped the first jump! Just goes to show Dennis is having a good time, and when things aren't going good, you can lighten the situation. Dennis Rules!

Congrats to all the Haro team for a great 2010 Dew Tour season, no Dew Cup champs this year, but we had a few great victories.

Lets do it all again in 2011!

For more info all the results and end of year rankings, go here

Sunday, October 17, 2010