Marcus Tooker checked in with us...
Last week, Allan Cooke and I made our yearly trip out to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for the Scheels University.
If you've never heard of Scheels, it's a pretty crazy sporting goods store that always seems to have a real legit BMX section for being such a big store. Anyway, we spent 2 days up there teaching Scheels employees about Haro's newest line and answering any questions they had. We rode a few parks while we were there and may have witnessed the beginning of a high school cat fight. Between some games of B-M-X and a manual-to-180 challenge, we ate Ethiopian food and visited with friends in Fargo. It was an interesting and fun 2 days to say the least, and the Scheels employees seemed pumped.
I never thought I'd be such a fan of the Dakotas, but its seriously awesome up there and I can't wait for my next visit.