Kazam Kids Steel Balance Bike Review
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I bought this bike for my 2-year-old (almost three) and by the second day he had learned to keep his balance.
It's a very cool little bike and we're all amazed at how well he can ride it. I chose this bike because it was less expensive than similar bikes on the market. It also has a great little foot rest so they don't have to hold their legs up in the air while they ride.
I would prefer that the bike was lighter in weight but other than that I'm very impressed with it.
Kazam Kids Steel Balance Bike Feature
- Weight - 4.5 kilograms or 9.9 pounds
- Bicycle Frame: Metal
- Tires: Rubber - 12
- Limited assembly required
Kazam Kids Steel Balance Bike Overview
KAZAM provides an alternative way to learn to ride a pedaled bicycle based on the concept of balance first, pedal last. It is a training bicycle that assists childern ages 3-6 to balance, increase coordination and ultimately ride a traditional bicycle for the first time with confidence.
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Dec 10, 2009 21:38:07
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