Tuesday, January 22, 2008

F15teen Magazine

F15teen Magazine just dropped and it's dope.

I'm really psyched on this web magazine because it features a different side of BMX. Let's face it, there's a reason that there are so many artists, designers, photographers and creative people in the BMX community... it's because BMX is a creative sport. This magazine aims to showcase those that have a role in the artistic side of our sport.

This first issue has interviews with Defgrip and MacNeil art director Harrison Boyce, photographer Chris Hill-Scott, and filmmaker Steve Olpin. There are opportunities to have your work displayed in the next issues and it's available as a download in PC and MAC or you can just view it online. It looks amazing and the content is great... the downloadable flash version even has embedded videos inside..SICK! I can't wait for the next issue already.

note - if you download it it will be an .exe file but don't worry it is not a program that you need to install. It just starts a Flash viewer. It's totally legit.

F15teen Magazine