Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Video: Ulterior Motives on Vital

This is all straight from the Vital site...

"You might be wondering why we did a video called The Ulterior Motive Mix. Well it's pretty obvious: we have some ulterior motives. The first is to give you free stuff. Glenn PP Milligan couldn't remember all the riders names in this video, so the first person to e-mail Glenn ( with all of the correct names in order will get a prize, a really cool prize...

Our second ulterior motive has to do with a rider that doesn't appear in this mix. The band used in the mix is Endgame, George Dossantos' band. Endgame is about to drop its new album through Revolution Records ( Since you guys are always asking the names of bands and music used in Vital BMX videos, we figured not only would we tell you the band name, but also tell you where you can buy the CD if you want to support George or you just like the band. Hit it up at"
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