Friday, January 25, 2008

Peg vs. Skull

Peg vs SkullPeg vs. Skull... guess who wins?

"its true!
but not such a good thing,
last weekend i was riding trails (saturday arvo), i nose cased the last in the line, thankfully with noone behind me, and went OTB. From that point, everything went wrong, i hit the dirt, the bike went up over my back and i got a peg to the head, and we all know that pegs are harder than a porn star on viagra.
Basically from that point, i just got up onto all fours, chucked off my helmet, while noticing a torrent of blood pissing from my head, like seriously pissing out, so off came the shirt and it went straight to the head.
I hung round for a bit, called my dad and he came to pick me up, i was ages from home though. When he got there some white shit was on my shirt, dad joked that it was probably brains, i'll get back to that later."

Pretty gnarly. Make sure to head over to zombiebmx and read the whole story. There are more pics as well.