Monday, July 27, 2009

Vans Camp in Orlando, Florida, July 23-24

Cory Nastazio and I got the offer to teach 21 riders of all ages for the Vans camp in Orlando, Florida last week.

With an 8am start each day, we slowly got under way with split groups of around 5 riders focusing on the basics of BMX, we helped them with whatever they were into learning, so it was pretty relaxed.

Of course we had to remind the riders that you have to crawl before you walk, and that paying $150 for the camp won't buy you a double tail-whip!
But overall it was fun, and I feel like I could gave tips for tricks that the riders can work on in the future.

We all got together and played some games like long jump, a bunny-hop contest, and a few games of foot down to mix up the 4hr sessions.

I recognized a few return campers from 2008 like Thomas, Franky, Nic and Tyler so it was cool to hang out with them again.

For $150, the riders got plenty for their money including any choice from the huge range of shoes from Vans a helmet from Protec, and we also raffled off a Haro Convert frame, a Premium Death Trap frame, and a Haro complete bike that was a pretty small bike and the biggest dude at camp ended up winning it! Figures...

Thanks for the good times, and to Vans and Haro for hooking up the prizes, hope to do it again..

Look out for a behind the scenes video on VitalBMX soon.

Colin Mackay