Monday, August 30, 2010

Haro's 2011 line featured on RIDEBMX site

Check this link out for the article that RideBMX has on the new Haro 2011 line...

It's looking really good!

Free Flow at Jaycee Park


We never get contests in Greenville, who would have thought? Being Pro Town and all...

Luckily Gatorade has a stop in Greenville for their series, "Free Flow Tour".

With around 25 Beginner's and 9 Am's it was a great turn out and the future for BMX in Greenville looks great.

Freddy Smith came up from Orlando for beginners class and finish 2nd, and Mike Groff came all the way from the New Jersey area to take 3rd in Am.

The level of riding was anywhere from kids just riding on the flat ground to Australian Andrew Ahumada putting his name on the BMX scene with a 360 downside triple whip, a first in BMX, and he's just an AM! Look out for him in Utah Dew Stop...

The youngest rider for the tour was at the Greenville stop coming in at just 4 years old!

It was a great day and great riding displayed by all the guys, and girl.

Hope this event continues for the future...


Tooker and Cooke in Fargo

Last weekend, Haro brand manager, Allan Cooke and myself went up to Fargo, North Dakota to visit to the local Scheels and ride in a Jam at Dike West Skatepark. Neither of us had been up there before so I knew it was going to be an adventure.

Scheels is a sporting goods store that carries just about everything having to do with outdoor fun. They had the 2011 Haro line out on the floor already. Allan worked pretty hard on the 2011 stuff, so he was pumped to see the bikes in a store for the first time.

Next was the Jam at Dike West. The park was cement and super smooth. I wasn't sure how many kids would make it out to the jam because I'd never thought of Fargo, ND as a place for a BMX scene, but on the day of the jam kids traveled from all over. The turnout was great. The whole day was super chill. We taught the kids how to do flyout barspins and they even got Allan to do a flyout backflip, hahaha!! By the end of the Jam we did a product toss into one of the bowls and all the kids were pumped.

A successful, fun trip to say the least!

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lords of Dirt Video from Vans

Here is a video Vans Europe did for us at the Lords of Dirt event last weekend in Tosse, France.
Thanks Alex!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lords of Dirt, France

This past weekend, Cory Nastazio and I traveled all the way to France for the "Lords of Dirt" contest. Here are some notes below on the trip. Thanks to Patrick Guimez for hooking us up with everything and for hosting a great event. See you next year!

1. Flying into Spain, and driving to France. I love Europe!
2. Staying in a house with 10 guys and one girl.
3. Checking out the contest jumps and seeing they were in 100% condition. Thank you for the hard work!
4. Going to the nearby beach. (Beautiful!)
5. It happened to be the hottest weekend of the year, so between runs we were resting in the Van with engine running and AC on all day.
6. The curved Wall-ride was really fun, at first I didn't like it, but it was good to me.
7. Going to Mcdonalds everyday.
8. Nasty got an interview in a French magazine that has full nude women and extreme sports in it. What a combo.
9. Nasty got hurt in practice after a big fall. He went back up the roll in and did a run that would have got him top 3. It was nuts! But then his hand swelled up and he had to sit out of the contest.
10. Getting to hang out and ride with a bunch of cool people with a good atmosphere in a beautiful part of the world.


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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Campagnolo – salah satu pembuat komponen sepeda terbaik didunia

Salam Gowes!

Campagnolo, vendor pembuat grupset dan wheelset yang sudah malang melintang didunia cycling selama puluhan tahun. Campagnolo terkenal karena produk-produknya yang mumpuni terutama komponen untuk roadbike. Banyak sekali vendor pembuat sepeda balap (roadbike) yang mengemas produk-produk mereka dengan komponen buatan Campagnolo. Tidak ketinggalan banyak sekali Pro team yang berlaga di Pro Tour mempercayakan Campagnolo ketika pembalap mereka berlaga diajang race dunia. Astana, Quick Step, Casie d’Erpagne, Silence Lotto adalah beberapa Team besar yang sampai saat ini masih mempercayakan Campagnolo dibeberapa komponen roadbike yang mereka gunakan.

Campagnolo S.r.l mendesain, memproduksi dan mendistribusikan komponen High-end roadbike. Hingga saat ini Campagnolo telah hadir dilebih di tiga puluh negara dengan lima cabang utama dan sembilan lab riset yang tersebar diseluruh dunia. Head Quarter atau markas Campagnolo terletak di Vicensa Italia dan telah memperkerjakan lebih dari 690 pekerja.

Pada bulan Maret 2003, Campanolo mulai merambah sportwear (jersey) bersepeda berlabel Campagnolo Sportwear S.r.l. Dominasi Campagnolo semakin berlanjut, pada juli 2004 Campagnolo mendirikan Fulcrum Wheels S.r.l, yang memproduksi Wheelset untuk sepeda balap. Fulcrum terus berkembang hingga saat ini, MTB menjadi sasaran baru dengan memproduksi Wheelset untuk Sepeda gunung. Meskipun baru, Fulcrum cukup mendapat tempat diajang persaingan Wheelset, banyak penggemar roadbike maupun MTB mulai menggunakan Fulcrum, suara freewheelnya yang nyaring  memberikan kesan mewah pada komponen roda tersebut.

Tullio Commendatore Campagnolo

Bagaimanakah awal mula Campagnolo didirikan hingga tetap bisa eksis diajang persaingan tekhnologi komponen sepeda yang semakin ketat. CAMPAGNOLO didirikan pada tahun 1933 oleh Tullio Commendatore Campagnolo, sejak didirikan Campagnolo S.r.l memegang tiga konsep dasar yang menjadi modal Campagnolo tetap eksis hingga saat ini yaitu, kinerja, inovasi teknologi, dan kualitas produk dan jasa.

Campagnolo hingga saat ini telah mengekspor 73% produk mereka ke beberapa negara besar seperti USA, Benelux, Jerman, Prancis dan Spanyol. Merupakan hasil yang luar biasa yang dicapai perusahaan asal Vicentine Italia tersebut, masa sulit ekonomi dan politik dapat mereka lalui dengan mulus.

RD - Campagnolo Super Record 

Campanolo, merupakan produk yang dibuat dengan teknologi yang paling infovatif dalam proses pembuatannya. Kualitas bahan yang prima mengaplikasi bahan dari teknologi AeroSpace. Serat Carbon, titanium dan allumunium kualitas tinggi.

Crankset - Campagnolo SuperRecord

Campagnolo telah mendominasi komponen sepeda yang berbahan allumunium selamam puluhan tahun, seiring berjalannya waktu Campagnolo mengembangkan teknologi berbahan Carbon. Hingga tahun 2008 Campagnolo telah membuat cranksets, front and rear derailleurs, integrated controls, headsets, seatposts, bottle cages dan high and low-profile wheels yang semuanya terbuat dari Carbon fiber.

Shifter Levers - Campagnolo 

Campagnolo terkenal karena inovasi, kualitas dan kinerja. Produk-produk Campagnolo menjadi tolok ukur desain komponen roadbike hingga saat ini. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan penghargaan Compasso d’Oro award dari dari Associazione Desain Italiano.

Penghargaan tersebut sebagai apresiasi terhadap produk-produk kualitas tinggi Campagnolo yaitu Veloce groupset, Ergopower integrated controls dan Shamal high-profile wheels.

Campanolo S.r.l tidak hanya menjadi bintang dikalangan industri sepeda balap, campagnolo mendapat pengakuan dari Wallstret Journal sebagai salah satu merek olahraga paling terkemuka di dunia.

Reputasi Campagnolo tidak hanya diperoleh dari keberhasilan diajang balap Pro Tour dunia yang sudah tidak terhitung jumlah gelar yang diraih, tetapi juga berdasarkan perhatian public yang diberikan terhadap kualitas dan layanan yang membuat Campagnolo berbeda dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis.

Shimano dan SRAM adalah dua kompetitor utama Campagnolo hingga saat ini, untuk itu hingga saat ini Campagnolo terus mengembangkan produk-produk baru dengan teknologi tinggi. Grupset berlabel; Super Record, Record, Chorus, Athena, Centaur, Veloce dan beberapa komponen khusus lainnya menjadi andalan Campagnolo.

High Profile WH Campagnolo

Tidak hanya Grupset, Campagnolo juga mempunyai komponen roda (Wheelset) yang tidak main-main. Wheelset mulai high-profile hingga low-profile seperti Bora, Ghibli dan pista banyak digunakan para pembalap dunia.

Go Goweser Indonesia!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tips dan Trik memilih Wheels set Mavic

Salam Gowes!

Mavic merupakan salah satu vendor supplier komponen sepeda yang tidak diragukan lagi produknya. Mavic lebih dikenal dengan produk whells set (komponen roda) baik untuk sepeda balap (road bike) ataupun Sepeda Gunung (MTB).

Apabila anda berencana membeli roda (whellset) dari Mavic wheels set untuk untuk meningkatkan performa (upgrading) sepeda balap atau sepeda gunung, kami coba untuk berikan beberapa Tips dan Trick tentang perbedaan model wheelset (komponen roda) dari Mavic dan fungsinya.

Memang tidak mudah untuk menentukan model mana yang cocok karena seri dan model dari Mavic whells set tidak memiliki urutan yang selalu sama dan dapat diprediksi (misal shimano atau yang lain).

Ketika anda mulai menjadi pembalap yang semakin ahli, ikut berkompetisi atau mulai serius dalam bersepeda baik road bike maupun MTB, maka tentunya akan lebih mudah dalam memilih roda sepeda balap atau sepeda gunung yang cocok untuk dengan pola berkendara anda.

Namun untuk pemula seperti juga penulis, biasanya akan mencari tahu informasi tersebut dari diskusi dengan teman sesama pesepeda atau seseorang ahli dalam klub sepeda anda.

Jadi apabila saat ini adalah pertama kalinya anda untuk melakukan penggantian roda, tips berikut ini paling tidak dapat memberikan sedikit gambaran perbedaan antara beberapa model roda untuk sepeda balap dan sepeda gunung dari Mavic.

Mavic Wheels Set road (sepeda balap)

Kita mulai dari wheelset untuk sepeda balap, yang biasanya akan berkurang bobotnya sebanding dengan harganya. Semakin mahal maka semakin ringan.

Mulai dari yang paling murah adalah Aksium (entry level), kemudian terdapat 4 (empat) model dari Ksyrium yaitu Ksyrium Equipe, Ksyrium Elite, Ksyrium SL, Ksyrium SL Premium, serta model terakhir yang super ringan adalam Ksyrium R-Sys.

Dalam kategori ini juga terdapat Mavic Cosmic dan Mavic Cosmic Carbone, yang desainnya sangat memperhitungkan faktor kecepatan dan akselerasi.

Menggunakan test aerodinamis dalam pembuatannya dengan sangat teliti untuk mendapatkan profil roda yang tepat.

Meskipun tidak lebih ringan daripada Ksyrium R-Sys namun mempunyai kelebihan dalam minimnya inertia dari hasil profil desainnya.

Mavic Wheels Mountain Bike (sepeda gunung MTB)

Selanjutnya kita liat jajaran roda Mavic untuk sepeda gunung, yang diklasifikasikan dalam beberapa kategori sesuai peruntukannya Cross Country, Enduro, Freeride, dan balap Downhill.

Karena kegunaannya yang berbeda-beda, terkadang harus dapat menahan goncangan, bahkan dalam tingkat yang sangat ekstrim, maka beberapa roda-roda tersebut dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan perhitungan antara faktor kekuatan dan faktor bobot.

Pertama kita mulai dari Cross Country kita temui model Mavic Crossmax, Crossmax SL, dan yang paling terakhir adalah Crossmax SLR.

Yang kedua adalah Crossride yang digunakan untuk off road sepeda gunung biasa. Tipe ini adalah entry level dengan harga yang spesial.

Pada tingkat selanjutnya kita temui Mavic Crosstail yang juga masih sangat umum bisa digunakan untuk off road. Dimana dalam model ini terdapat juga level kelas atas dengan ruji (spokes) aerodinamis dan bahan special alloy untuk rim. Roda ini juga bisa digunakan untuk tipe ban tanpa tube (tubeless).

Dalam kategori downhill dan freeride ditemui dua model yaitu Mavic Deemax dan Mavic Deetraks. Bobot Deemax cukup berat karena didesain agar tahan terhadap goncangan dan siksaan medan. Sedangkan Deetraks adalah roda khusus dengan rim lebar untuk freeride, mungkin model ini

adalah yang paling tangguh.

Demikian sedikit gambaran beberapa model roda dari Mavic dari masing-masing model dan kegunaannya. Semoga dapat memberikan bekal bagi anda dalam memilih mana yang cocok untuk anda dan kebiasaan bersepeda anda.

Go Goweser Indonesia!

Enarson bio from Alli

Screen shot 2010-08-17 at 5.22.18 PM
Dennis is one of my favorite dudes, as a rider he is one of the best in the world. I don't think any other Pro has as much fun as him. Stoked to have him apart of Haro...
Check out this video link on VitalBMX.

BMX Digital dot com, know your roots!

From the Austin Peddler Bike Shop contest, July 2009. The ATX locals look on as the original Soul Bro tears it up, Ruben Castillo

Monday, August 16, 2010

We're off to France!

Cory "Nasty" Nastazio and myself (Colin Mackay) decided last minute to jump on a plane to France for a big dirt jumping contest this weekend.
Stay in touch for a full report from on the road with Nasty, its going to be wild!

Our week at Woodward video

We got to spend a week at Woodward East back in June and here is a video Terrell Gordy put together from our stay. Thanks again to Woodward for the memories!

Haro Team @ Woodward Part 1 - More BMX Videos

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dew Tour Stop #2 - Portland


This weekend was the Wendy's Invitational in Portland, stop #2 of The Dew Tour for BMX. In Park we got Nyquist, Enarson, Napolitan and Tooker. In dirt we had Enarson, Nyquist, and Nastazio. Prelims for dirt were on Thursday and Dennis killed it, qualifying 1st with Ryny coming in 3rd. On to finals for those guys while Nastazio headed back to California without a bike. Not only did Nasty fall both of his runs, his bike got stolen out of his hotel room some how. In the dirt final on Friday, both guys set the course on fire and when all was said and done it was Dennis 3rd, Ryan 2nd.

In BMX Park, Ryan put in a pretty good couple of runs that only got him scores good enough to sit him on the bubble spot for a few minutes until Denarson came and bumped him out. Dennis rode well in the final ending up 6th. Good job, D!

Next stop, Salt Lake for stop #3!

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

NISSAN UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Fort William DH – 4X

Lanjutan seri Nissan UCI MTB downhill 2009 akan berlangsung di Fort William Scotlandia akhir pekan ini 6/6/2009. Fort william akan menjadi ajang bersaing rider MTB dari seluruh dunia. Jenis kejuaraan yang berlangsung seri ini antara lain: seri DH (downhill), 4x (Cross), Trials.

Yang paling menonjol dalam setiap event UCI Mountain Bike adalah seri kejuaraan DH downhill, dimana rider-rider MTB dari berbagai negara dan tim bersaing ketat merajai event tersebut. SantaCruz Syndicate, Monster Energy Specialized, KHS Team, Animal Commencal merupakan tim-tim besar dengan rider MTB yang terkenal, sebut saja Greg Minnaar, Sam hill, Gee Atherton, legenda downhill Steve Peat.

Dalam even sebelumnya di Madrid The legend Steve Peat merajai urban downhill yang berlangsung, Peat telah memenangkan 2 kali berturut kejuaran downhill dunia tahun ini. Dalam race kali ini yang berlangsung di Fort william Steve Peat merupakan rider tuan rumah, akankah peat mampu kembali merajai event tersebut. Bersama Greg minnaar yang merupakan rekan satu tim di Santa Cruz Syndicate pasti akan berjuang untuk merajai lanjutan downhill series kali ini.

Greg Minnar dan Peat sama-sama pernah merajai di Fort william akan tetapi rider Australia Sam Hill, Mick Hannah juga tidak bisa di anggap remeh keduanya pernah juga menjadi juara di Fort William.

Berikut rider MTB yang pernah menjadi juara di Fort William :

2002 World Cup

Men: Chris Kovarik (AUS)

2003 World Cup

Men: Cedric Gracia (FRA)

2004 World Cup

Men: Greg Minnaar (RSA)

2005 World Cup Finals

Men: Steve Peat (GBR)

2006 World Cup

Men: Sam Hill (AUS)

2007 World Champion

Men: Sam Hill (AUS)

2008 World Cup

Men: Greg Minnaar (RSA)

Melihat dari Statistic diatas kemungkinan besar akan terjadi persaingan ketat antara Minnar, Peat dan Sam Hill, tidak menutup kemungkinan underdog rider seperti Brendan Fairlough, Gee Animal Atherton, menjadi kuda hitam yang mampu merepotkan Santa Cruz dan Specialized.

Ajang ini juga merupakan ajang bersaing vendor MTB dan Part-part pendukungnya, Shimano, Rock Shock, SRAM dll akan hadir di event ini.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vancouver Cyclery Shop Visit

Today Marcus Tooker, Ronnie Napolitan, Ryan Nyquist, Dan Foley, Allan Cooke and myself arrived in Portland, Oregon for the Dew Tour stop 2. Allan Hooked it up at a local Haro Dealer for us to come by and hang out with the riders.
The Shop was called "Vancouver Cyclery" in Washington State, about 20 minutes from down town Portland. Shop Boss Bob greeted us and Jesse an employee gave me a hand adjusting my new bike that I just got yesterday. (Thanks again!)
There were around 50 local riders in attendance and we hung out in the parking lot eating Pizza and played "foot down" and the winner took home a new Haro SD frame! We sessioned the bunny hop post set up and Mike Girard took the win at 39 inches!
We had a best flat ground trick which was a fakie to half cab barspin. Honorable mention goes to the kid that did the hippy hop on the bunny hop stick, hands first then feet style, that was sick! (Double click the video to play below for evidence!) Also the 180 Bar with a slice of Pizza in the mouth was decent. Check the pic!
All the riders were cool and the shop was outfitted with a bunch of Haro bikes and products and about 12 Haro posters of Ryan Nyquist from throughout his career. Nice collection!
Thanks for the fun afternoon guys!

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Haro Prototype testing...


Pictured above is Randy Lawrence's dare devil son, age 2. He is our test pilot for the z-10 series.

Haro BMX starts here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nyquist owning HB Video

Here is the video from VitalBMX of the Huntington Beach comp last weekend were Haro riders, Nyquist and Enarson cleaned up. My favorite move is that clean as ever double truck 540 second trick in for Nyquist. Confidence! Portland Dew 2 tomorrow and the boys do it all over again!

Nike 6.0 HB BMX Pro Finals Video - More BMX Videos

Monday, August 9, 2010

Shop Meet and Greet PDX area this Wednesday!

If you live anywhere close to the Portland/ North West area of America, you have a chance to chill with the Pro's from Haro Bikes! This Wednesday at Vancouver Cyclery, 10108 NE Highway 99, Vancouver, WA 98686 from 3pm.

BBQ and Bunny Hop contest with prizes to give away. Come say Hi!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nyquist victorious in HB, Enarson 3rd.


Just wrapped up an amazing 4 day contest in Huntington Beach for the Nike 6 HB Bmx Pro. We had 4 guys competing with Ryan Nyquist, Dennis Enarson, Marcus Tooker and Allan Cooke. Here's the breakdown of the contest format over the 4 days

- The first day (Thursday) there are 10 riders and each get two 45-second runs. The top five scores get pushed to the semifinals on Saturday.
- The second day (Friday) will be the same as the first day—10 riders (different riders than the first day) each get two 45-second runs. The top five scores get pushed to the semifinals on Saturday.
- The third day (Saturday) they will take the top five guys from each of the first days and the top five guys from last year’s Nike 6.0 HB BMX Pro, and again each of the 15 riders will get two 45-second runs.
- On the final day (Sunday) the top ten riders from the semifinals will all compete for the big prize money—$85,000.

Thursday saw Nyquist put together two average runs, the best one being an 86, and finishing 6th for the day. It looked as though Ryan would not be moving on in the competition. Ryan headed to Disneyland with his wife and son thinking he had just had his third unlucky weekend in a row.

Friday saw Dennis, Marcus and Allan looking to fight their way into the top 5 to transfer on to Saturday's semi final. Dennis killed it with ease and was the #1 qualifier with a 91.25 while Marcus wasn't so lucky, finishing up 82 back in 7th place. If that wasn't bad enough, Marcus got salt rubbed in his wounds when his boss being the last rider on deck, qualified 5th for the day with an 83.25. Pretty impressive Allan, and Marcus you are now fired. . . . kidding.

Friday evening Ryan got the call that one of the riders was injured and had to back out of the semi finals on Saturday so he was given a second chance at first place. Ryan, did you eat your lucky charms?

Saturday all 3 guys met up in the semi final where Allan would be going home early after finishing 12th. Good runs though AC Fabz you still got it! Dennis ended up 6th and Ryan ended up 7th for the day and were both heading into the final on Sunday.

Sunday was a different story for Ryan. I've been to the last three events with him and I have to be honest when I say I've wondered where the Ryan that everyone knows is. Obviously Ryan is one of the best guys ever so I have high standards for him, but he seems like he has just been cruising through runs and hasn't really looked like he was in his zone. Last weekend didn't count as he injured his foot in practice, but none the less it had been a minute since I was blown away by one of his runs. When he came out for run #1 today, it was definitely the RyNy that everyone knows throwing down flawless tricks and linking his runs together like no other. After everyone was done with their first run, Ryan sat in 3rd place. Dennis had a decent first run but needed some cleaning up and sat in 7th going into run #2. When I say run #2 for Ryan was ridiculous, I mean my jaw was literally on the deck of the ramp afterward. I think it may have been if not THE best, one of the best runs he's ever put together before. The crowd went crazy and I think all of his fellow riders were equally pumped and when his score came he went straight to the top of the leader board with a 93.25. Dennis followed Ryan and he killed it as well, and I thought if anyone would have passed him it would have been Dennis. A 91.00 wasn't enough for Dennis to take over the lead but he moved into the 3rd place position with only 4 riders left to go. In the end, Ryan took the overall win and the $25,000 and reminding everyone that you can never count him out when the money is on the line. Dennis cashed in a $10,000 for his efforts. What happens when you're Ryan Nyquist and you win a contest at the beach while being team mates with Dennis Enarson? Clearly you get a couple hand fulls of sand right in the top of your helmet. What a victory celebration for Ryan! Good job boys.

Amazing contest put on by Nike 6. Next stop this coming weekend in Portland for Dew Tour stop #2.

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Big thanks to OG Photog Mr. Peter Demos for showing up and shooting a couple photos from his shaded look out tower.

BMX Freestyle history short, new footage, re-cut

new blyther footage, plus Penonzek, Rigby, Brown, and Kuoppa added to the flatland section

stunt-masters BMX: Freestyle history short, 2010 recut from TENEYCK MEDIA on Vimeo.
New footage added!

a sneak peek at some of the years we have archived so far. This is a work in progress and we are still accepting tapes for inclusion in the project!!

A special project in conjunction with TNM Group and BMXDigital dot com. Before the X-Games and signature video games, BMX riders all over the planet pushed BMX to new heights, and helped push action sports into the mainstream in pop culture.

The Visual History of Freestyle BMX from 1986 to the present. We need your old school Freestyle footage! Submit your tapes today!!

Digitization/Remaster by TNM Group, LLC


George TenEyck
Kevin Bates
Randy Hamlin
Jeremy Jones
Don Hoffman
James Cassimus
Bob Kubilos
Mike McGahee

Friday, August 6, 2010

Seth and Ronnie

Screen shot 2010-08-06 at 8.55.22 AM

Ronnie Napolitan and Seth Klinger are pretty close. They ride together, sleep in the same room, drive together and party together. We recently hooked Seth up with a new Haro bike with a SD frame because if you haven't had the chance to see him ride, the guy can shred. Plus being a nice guy goes a long way with us at Haro.
Osiris just released this cool one on one interview with the 2 plus a short video clip. Check it out here..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Im back!

Im so stoked to announce that Ive moved back to where I call my home, the South Bay. BOOM. Im even more excited to share that my home riding spot is 1.5 miles away and my night spot is only 2, super estoked!

Mi casa!

Daytime spot

Nighttime spot

Just a few warm up tricks to show you how stoked I am! haha boom

Las Vegas - Kofax Demo

I recently visited Las Vegas to join Nick and Conno for a live BMX demo inside one of the Venetian Casino ballrooms. Kofax is a software company based out of Southern California and they had 500 sales people from around the globe on hand for their annual sales meeting. We performed a 3 minute demo to open their meeting and a quick 1 minute demo to conclude. It was a lot of fun, especially all of the rehearsals :)

Spinning on a rubber mat haha or trying to

Conno showing us a picture he drew inbetween demos haha

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Allan Cooke on the 2011 Haro BMX line.

Check out this video where AC Fabulous,  also known as Allan Cooke, explains the 2011 line of BMX bikes.

2011 Haro Bikes Line w/ Allan Cooke - More BMX Videos

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Update, Site Relaunch

Carolina Sunset

BMX Digital is back online and the collection of BMX treasure continues growing! 

Our purpose here is pretty simple

Celebrating two wheeled lifestyles, Generation X, and Survival in the Eighties, Nineties, and Oughts.  

Submit your story idea, written work, or media content today!

Evolution/Revelation a visual history of BMX Freestyle now updated with new vintage scans and new photo submissions. Add your vintage riding snaps to our history, submit your files, vids, and scans today!

Big Daddy, Kevin Jones frame mailer
**July Update! 

The pavement is hot enough to fry eggs here in Texas! We're staying cool, riding some Flatland and booking events for July and August. Got an event? Need coverage?
Let's Ride! 

BMX Go Pro HD Test 2 from TENEYCK MEDIA on Vimeo.

Go Pro sample stil

   New camera testing in-progress! Just took delivery of the coolest compact pro-quality HD camera on the market! Straight from NAB, the Go Pro Hero HD! Check out our latest digital short showing off some of the crazy wide angle views of this tiny, bike-mounted camera. ENJOY and stay tuned for more new footage!
Go Pro Hero HD: BMX POV Test from TENEYCK MEDIA on Vimeo.

Spring 2010 Update!
  Spring has sprung and the sun has finally returned to Fort Worth- following a wet, snowy, start to the year.  2009 was big for us and our work continues in 2010.
Last year the focus was squarely upon documenting as many North American Freestyle events as possible.

Our first goal was to contribute to the mass, popular, exposure of Freestyle on the web and to gather footage to be included in the Evolution Revelation project- a visual history of freestyle since 1987.
Terry Adams, pro flatland, Twilight Jam '09

This year the focus is on gathering as much vintage footage and photos as possible to paint a more vivid picture of where Freestyle has been in the past 30 years.
TenEyck Media/TNM Group is still accepting tapes, files, photos, and any media related to BMX Freestyle in the last three decades for use in Evolution Revelation.

We are also accepting written work, artwork, or anything else concerning the obsession that is BMX. 

Got footage or photos?

let's see it!

Evolution Revelation, a visual history of BMX Freestyle

What We Do 


  TENEYCK MEDIA, LLC- a Texas-owned company; offers multimedia consulting, action photography, press services, special events coverage, and every aspect of projecting your ideal image to the world, across multiple mediums.


Steve Woodward/ Dennis Enarson Video

Steve Woodward/ Dennis Enarson mix from Haro Bikes on Vimeo.

Back in the day Steve Woodward picked up Dennis Enarson when he has just a little kid and would take him out riding on the weekends. Now, years later they are still good friends and they get to share a web video part. Cameo by Ronnie Napolitan. Footage is from a Haro trip a few months ago. Filmed and Edited by Christian Rigal

Its Dennis Week not Shark Week

Haro's Dennis Enarson continues a great week by scoring the cover of the new RideBMX Magazine. Getting the cover of Ride is a huge deal. He also gets an interview inside with some ridiculous moves that will blow your mind (Just like the cover pic).
Congrats on the medals at X, the cover of Ride, and for just being a rad dude.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dennis Dual Silver Medals at X!


Just in case you've been living under a rock the last couple days, our guy Dennis got two silver medals at X-Games in BMX Park and Street this weekend. Yesterday was the BMX Park final, and Dennis made the most out of his second chance. As we mentioned before, Dennis finished just shy of a qualifying spot for the final, but Rob Darden blew his knee out shortly after he qualified through prelims. With Rob being unable to ride, Dennis moved into the hot seat and was a totally different rider in the final than he was in the prelims the day before. Coming out with a silver medal in BMX Park is a huge accomplishment.

Earlier today was the BMX street final where Dennis was 2nd qualifier in prelims behind his good friend Garrett Reynolds. Just before the contest started, Dennis mentioned that he was looking forward to getting home. Then he said, "Oh man we gotta wait around til 6:30 if Garrett wins a medal."  I responded, "what do you mean, IF Garrett wins a medal? You're getting one too." His response was something like, "Me? I'm not winning a medal in Street, dude." When the comp began, Dennis set it off and was in second behind Garrett from the beginning and that looked to be how it would finish. In Dennis' second run of the jam, he blew his tire out on a big 540. Colin threw on the worlds ugliest rear wheel (photos below) and Dennis went back to work in run #3 and didn't skip a beat. As I write this, Dennis is downtown LA getting his two medals like a gentleman. We're proud of you Dennis you absolutely destroyed it this weekend. I don't think Dennis knows how good he is, and if he does, he doesn't seem to care. Win or lose, Dennis is always smiling. Gary Young said it best, "nobody has more fun than Dennis." X-Games 16 was amazing. Congrats D from everyone at Haro! We're psyched!

A few months ago, Dennis parked his SUV on my practice starting gate at work. Needless to say, it's bent to hell and permanently out of commission. Hey D, do you think you can bring me a new one some day, now that you've won in one weekend more money than most of us make in a year? HAHA.

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