Friday, April 17, 2009

Ry Ny checks in.

From Ryan:

Hey guys! So right now I'm in Europe. Italy specifically. On a train from Rome to Venice even more specifically. It's a five hour trip so I figured I'd throw an update out there to pass the time. I've been over here with my mom for 3 days so far, and will be spending another 2 days in Venice for some tourist type sightseeing and gondola rides. Then I'm heading up to Dusselsorf, Germany for the T Mobile Extreme Playgrounds Dirt contest. Should be well rested by the time I get up there. Actually, I'll probably need a break from lugging around my huge Ogio bike bag all over Europe... Been giving my arms and shoulders a workout just wheeling and lifting it everywhere. Well that's all for now. I'll do another update after I get home with better photos! See ya!!! Ryan