Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Austin Texas

I am a little behind on reporting my flatland travels but after Jomopro I headed down to Austin, Texas to ride with the locals and hang out with a few old friends. It rained a lot but I rode the OG everynight with Adam, Jim, EZ Chris, John Yull, and David. All super nice guys and very amazing riders! Dakine and I stayed at Jims house so thanks to Jim for hooking us up with a super comfortable couch! I visited Empire BMX to say hello to my good friends Tina and Tom and also was able to catch up with my good friend Ommar who was my teammate when I first began doing demos and riding for GT.

My final night Rad Dad came straight from working all week (and being at jomopro the weekend prior) to the OG to ride and film a little. All of the rumours about this guy are true, hes all about flatland!! :) Read more at BMXfreestyler.com


with The Dad


Group shot

Jim made a edit:

So I have a great friend in Austin who Ive known for many many mannnyyyyy years:) Her name is Michelle and she shoots photos. She is a super talented photographer so I thought it would be cool to have her come shoot my last night at the OG. She had never really shot flatland before so as an experiment I gave her no direction and let her shoot it from her point of view. (instead of trying to get a certain shot... GET THE SHOT!! no haha) Anddd the pictures came out amazing! Here are a few:




Adam DiClaudio

Rad Dad



The OG!

For more of Michelle go to michellegarnerphotography.com