Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jo Mo Pro


I attended the JoMoPro contest in Missouri recently and had an amazingly fun time! Paul killed it all weekend and it was cool to meet a few people in person for the first time. I placed 13th but I rode terrible so I was stoked with that, for now:) I want to ride very hard and start competing at as many contests as possible. I feel like contests will push me to ride harder and at this stage in my life thats what I want to do more than anything:) I intended to write a lengthy report but have since decided to just stay a few things. You cant blame the judges for judging with their own judgement haha but clearly they all were not qualified to be judging a pro flatland contest. That was the only con of Jomopro, all of the judges were not qualified. Also Im totally for open judging, its what we all do in our heads when we watch a contest ... is it not?
