Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bandit Cross Race #2

So on Sunday at 11am I went outside to glare ice on the sidewalk and driveway and made the call that the race was off. I figured nobody would want to come out in the freezing rain and me and the lady went grocery shopping.

Around 1 I got home to find out that Gene O had called me out for being soft and that a bunch of racers were bummed that it wasn't going down. Well by that time the temp had come up and the ice was melting so I called it back on.

The junkyard and ped bridge were totally screwed with ice so we did a short course through the woods and around the ball fields. The folks who showed up all seemed to have a great time, and the racers rode hard.

There were a couple of spectacular passes, and when it was all said and done Martin took the win.


We did a LeMans start








Danger Dollars were once again in full effect


props to Chelsea, the only female racer

Randy got cold hands and had to drop out. The winner Martin rode the race in Choppers (if you're not from the Midwest, choppers are large leather mittens)



For whatever reason, these races have been a ton of fun. Everyone one has a great attitude and they are a breeze to organize. The experience of the last two has really renewed my faith in the bike community. During events like the All City it's easy to get stressed out and every year there is some whiny asshole that makes my job unfun.

I'm guessing the great attitudes here have much to do with the fact that there aren't any prizes so all your racing for is glory and personal satisfaction.

Anyway it was awesome, and I'm looking to throw another race in a few weeks. Now that the sand is frozen I want to do Low Road to Sibley House as a Bandit Cross. Keep an eye out for it.