Monday, November 29, 2010

Billy Harris

A year or so ago, I heard a story of a kid named Billy Harris who went down at the local trails I grew up riding in Brisbane, Australia. Even though Billy was wearing a helmet, he suffered serious brain damage.

I contacted Billy through his fan web site to let him know the Haro team was in Australia and I received correspondence through Billy's Dad, Mark letting me know they could make our last shop appearance.

I was stoked to meet Billy finally, the kid has been through so much in the past 2 years and he is still smiling. Billy got to hang out with Nasty, Dennis and Ronnie as well, and Im pretty sure it made his day.

Billy even got out of his wheel chair and showed us how he can walk. Billy still strives to ride his bike again one day.

Please check out his site and support a great kid. His life, as well as his family's life has changed completely.

I look forward to catching up with Billy again.
